We are more than excited to announce the newest addition to the Exen Esports Stream team: Matias 'Airi' Oja! His preferred streaming platform is Twitch, where he usually Streams the likes of Fortnite, Among Us, and Grand Theft Auto V Roleplay. Check out his Twitch...

We asked Airi what his feelings are regarding joining the Exen Esports family.

"It's amazing how well Exen Esports welcomed me, it seems like a nice organization and I am glad to join them. I am looking forward to coming months and working with Exen!“

Matias 'Airi' Oja


We were lucky to also catch a comment from our CEO, Patrik:

"Airi has just recently started streaming but during that time has achieved so much potential to become a famous streamer. I would say that his strength is his community, and how he engages and always thinks about them.“

Patrik Falck