Good luck, good luck, good luck FallA, good luck!
*in English below*
Ladies and gentlemen; today is the birthday of our awesome CEO and founder. As a team, we wanted to make a post about this holiday, to show our appreciation to FallA, or Patrik - because without him, Exen wouldn't exist!
We received such wonderful comments from Exeniläi:
“[Exen is] the best organization I've been in so far. FallA is really nice, relaxed and a good guy. It also seems that the well-being of the players means a lot to Falla!“
"Good and one of the most genuine guys I know. I'm really proud that our man-child team has the best manager of all!"
“[Exen is] the best organization I've been to. FallA really interacts with the players a lot, and is like my own son to me!“
"Everybody's friend and an all-around tough guy who knows his stuff!"
"We've come a long way from FallA's Fortnite tournaments to today. You have to be grateful that you have made it to the organization that FallA founded! "
"FallA has handled these Exen tasks very well. Happy Birthday!"

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear FallA! Happy birthday to you!
Ladies and gentlemen; today is the birthday of our amazing CEO and Founder! We as a team wanted to make a post regarding this day of celebration, to show our appreciation to FallA aka Patrik – because without him there would be no such thing as Exen Esports!
We were able to get these sweet, sweet comments from some of our Exen members:
“[Exen is] the best organization that I have been in so far. FallA is very nice, chill, and a good guy. I also get the feeling that he cares about the well-being of all of us players. "
“A good guy and one of the realest people that I know. I am so proud that our team of manchilds has the best manager of them all!“
“[Exen is] the best organization that I have been in. FallA is very involved with all of us, and he is like a son to me“
"We have come a long way from FallA's Fortnite tournaments to this day. I have to be grateful that I have been able to get into an organization founded by FallA!“
“FallA has handled Exen's business very well. Happy Birthday!”