We are happy to announce our first Fortnite player. Welcome Klinberi to the family of Exen.

We see klinberi as a young Talent and we know that he has everything to reach the top in the international Fortnite pro scene, and we want to give him the support and help to achieve these goals. We are happy to have klinberi as our Fortnite player and Exen's family member.

Here is Klinberi's best-achieved goals:
Benjifishy cup: Solo: placement: 43
Trio Cash Cup 2- Europe: Trio: placement 48
WC 2019 EU Qualifiers – Week 9 : Solo: placement 159

Our Fortnite manager Halila has made a speech about klinberi, here it is:

The first time when I set my eye on Klinberi it was May 2019 when he was competing in the Fortnite world cup qualifiers. He Shook the Finnish Fortnite community because he played so well and also a lot of people had no clue who Klinberi was. Now Klinberi is well known as one of the top tier players in the Finnish Fortnite scene.

Since the World Cup Qualifiers Klinberi has been very consistent in many online tournaments throughout this past year. Even if the meta changes in Fortnite season by season, Klinberi has been able to adapt to it and compete on a high level. His Achievements speak for themselves. Recently Klinberi placed 43rd in the Benjyfishy Solo tournament which is a great achievement. Right then I knew Klinberi was a player who would be just the right one to represent Exen in the upcoming tournaments. I'm sure Klinberi is able to do great things in the next Solo Fortnite Championship Series and he has told me that he is very confident while playing solos. Also, Klinberi was very successful in the Trio Tournaments last year so I'm sure that the next trio tourneys won't be an issue to him.

Furthermore, even if Klinberi has been successful in the past tournaments he still has been Humble and a good kid. When I was thinking who would be a potential player who I wanted to work with to reach success in the future – Klinberi was the first name that popped into my mind. I am very excited to work with Klinberi in the future and I promise he will do big things in the future. Welcome, Exen Klinberi!