mennessä Exen | touko 13, 2021 | News
We decided to update our new Player of the Month programme so that we could be able to reward members from any team and department in our organization. With this, we are more than excited to announce our Member of the Month, in collaboration with Pizzeria Via...
mennessä Exen | touko 12, 2021 | JYP
Joakim “Joukkiii” Nyholm, on viime ECL Elite -kauden parhaaksi hyökkääjäksi valittu maalintekijä, joka pystyy yksilötaidollaan ratkomaan matseja. Mistä tulet? Asun tällä hetkellä Suonenjoella, alun perin tulen Porvoosta missä olen asunut suurimman...
mennessä Exen | touko 10, 2021 | Fortnite
We have come to a mutual decision with our Fortnite player Otto “Shipenen” Silvennoinen to release him from his contract with Exen Esports, due to his retirement from the game. Here you can see some of his most notable results from during his time in Exen:...
mennessä Exen | touko 3, 2021 | CS:GO
Today we are announcing that another organization has bought out Santeri “Kide” Koponen from his contract with Exen Esports. He is now free to play under their name. Santeri was an impactful part of Exen’s most successful CS:GO lineup. Things change but the memories...
mennessä Exen | huhti 30, 2021 | JYP
Teemu “Teemuyy” Polttila, Järvenpää, on tasonsa todistanut kahden suunnan pakki, joka on luotettava sekä kentällä, että sen ulkopuolella. Kauanko olet pelannut? Olen pelannut kilpailullisesti pari vuotta. Missä haluaisit olla tulevaisuudessa?...